I help mothers in their 40s feel fit, healthy and energetic and be an outstanding example to their daughters

You’re a woman who takes excellent care of herself

You worked hard in your 30's, when the kids were small to be fit and healthy, physically, mentally and emotionally. You lost the baby weight, added green juices and yoga into your lifestyle, learned how to manage your mind and process emotions.

Chances are you've developed a spiritual practice too. Who can look at those beautiful children of yours and NOT believe in some other loving guiding universal force? Making time to acknowledge and appreciate this, whether it's by lighting a simple candle or pulling an oracle card for guidance matters to you as much as whizzing an avocado into your post Peleton smoothie. 

But what worked for you in your 20s and 30s isn't working quite the same way in your 40s and beyond. 

I’ll teach you how to work with your natural female cycle post 40, rather than against it, to maximise your energy without having to hit the gym 5 days a week, count calories, or depriving yourself of pleasure.

The Life Audit Session

The Life Audit is a deep dive into those areas of your life that you want a solution for right now. Click here to learn more…

1:1 Life & Wellbeing Coaching

1:1 Life & Wellbeing Coaching.

Click here to learn more…

Six Week On Demand Program

A self study program to introduce you to the foundations of excellent wellbeing.


This Life Coaching program teaches you how lose weight and have more energy as a peri-menopausal woman, using a mix of practical changes underpinned with mindset coaching tools.

This Life Coaching program will help you

➢ lose weight

➢ feel more energised more of the time

➢ sleep better

➢ boost self confidence

I’m Jo, and I’m here to help

I took up running as I turned 40.

That one decision changed my life.

Running forced me to address the rest of my lifestyle.

Later I quit drinking and began to take much more notice of what I was eating; fuelling for 26.2miles is no joke.

Ten years on I’ve run four marathons.

My weight has remained consistent across the last decade.

I’ve never counted calories. Instead I’ve made a few big changes that have made a huge difference to my health and fitness.

My 40's also delivered some major life circumstances. Bankruptcy, relationship endings and beginnings, and bereavement.

Yet, with the lifestyle dialled in I’ve handled things way better than had I not prepared the way beforehand.

These years in my peri-menopause, far from feeling like autumn, look more like a second spring.

Are you ready for your second spring? If so, let’s get to work.


  • It’s given me that ability to have the awareness of my brain in everyday situations and not always listen to the first thought that comes into my head. To then have that is a choice in the moment and I don't have to believe it; that's been really mind blowing. It’s been the part of the process where I've probably got the most gain. Realising we can different is so freeing.


  • Jo has given me the support and strength I need to push through all previous boundaries and launch myself into new uncharted territory feeling safe to do so. This is not for the faint hearted but it is for you if you want to express yourself in the world and lead from your heart.


  • I’m so glad I invested in myself by working with Jo. It was exactly what I needed to get through a really challenging time. I looked forward to each session because I knew I would also leave feeling clear and grounded.


  • I am grateful for every coaching session with you. So many times I find myself thinking differently now as a result of the way you are helping me.


  • The feeling we cultivated in our sessions was safety. I stopped trying to control external circumstances, but knowing that I can control my thought life. All of this has been one big exercise in taking back my life.



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