Jo Renshaw

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When your brain is like a toddler, high on sugar, brandishing a machete

Left to it’s own devices your brain runs around like a crazed toddler, high on sugar, brandishing a machete.

You’re such an idiot, it’ll tell you.

You shouldn’t have…

…spent so much money

…wasted so much time

…said that thing to that person (they are so mad at you)

…taken that job

…eaten that extra piece of cake

You should have…

…saved the money when you had the chance (‘cos no more is coming)

…used your time better

…kept your mouth shut

…gone for the better job (even though it wasn’t as prestigious)

…been stronger. Instead you’re weak

Times like this we need to get authoritative with our brain. In the same way we would with a kid that was out of control.

“ENOUGH.” Spoken with calm authority.

Your brain will calm about ten points in an instant. A scared toddler needs an experienced adult to reassure it and to create a loving boundary.

My client Arthur has been practicing this skill after I told him “don’t let your brain speak to you like that any more!”. After all he wouldn’t permit his kids, or any other person in the world to speak to him like that.

Neither would you.

“Dear brain:” he wrote “I know you’re trying to keep me safe when you say I’ve messed up…Let’s think thoughts like this:

- There is always enough time,

- I can make time

- Making decisions is the most important thing

- I can make strong decisions even if planning isn’t perfect.

I look forward to continuing to work on forging new neural pathways. Thank you for always wanting to keep me safe.”

He acknowledged what his brain was doing. Then he gave his brain a list of new and better feeling thoughts to think instead.

This is the process of changing your life.

Becoming aware of the thoughts our brain is telling us, and replacing them with better feeling thoughts. Feeling better makes us act in new ways. And when we act in new ways we create new results in our lives. Results that we DO want.

Like more money, more time, better jobs, improved relationships, fitter healthier bodies.

All this from managing our crazed-toddler-high-on-sugar-brandishing-machete brains, and turning them into helpful partners.

I’m here to help you get good at this. I’ve created a 12mth 1:1 coaching program. You’ll learn the skill of managing your mind so that you can create a life that you love.

Book a free Llife Audit call on this link and let’s get to work to get YOU back in charge of your life.