What are you putting in your brain?

There’s a lot of personal development content on the internet. You can go to any social media site and grab a quick hit of motivation, inspiration and insight.


In a second you can feel better, knowing that your problem is down to patriarchy, or gluten, the energies, your parents or because you’ve not been meditating with this particular new and proven method that will 💯 for sure make your life amazing.


The internet provides easy access to ‘Knowledge Therapy’ and chances are that you’ve consumed a lot of it.


There’s a LOT of knowledge in your brain about why your life is the way it is, a million things you can do about it and countless teachers who have the answers to your unique problem.


You’re always seeking the answers to fix what’s wrong with you.


It’s overwhelming and exhausting. You put a great deal of pressure on yourself to fix whatever is wrong with you.


You’re kind of critical towards yourself, questioning whether you’ll ever get this sorted, constantly looking for the best solution, the ONE THING that will solve once and for all so that you can just. be. happy.


But what if there was nothing actually wrong with you? 


What if the negative thoughts and feelings you experience on a daily basis were not a problem to be fixed?


You’d feel differently, right? 


You might even feel some tenderness towards yourself. Maybe you’d even start to enjoy your life.


Fully enjoying your life is what I'm here to help you do.


Book your first call with me here on this link and let's begin that journey. 


How to get the best results from personal development


When everyone and everything else in the world is your worst enemy.